FirsTeckBio offers professional IVDR and FDA compliance consulting services, ensuring your conformity and successful market entry in the regulatory landscape of In Vitro Diagnostic Devices in Europe and the USA. The European Union's In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Regulation (2017/746 IVDR) came into effect on May 26, 2022. Our IVD consulting division provides accurate information and abundant resources, including technical file reviews, Notified Body consultations, and more, to assist IVD manufacturers in formulating compliance strategies.
We conduct product development and validation studies in EU labs, including new reagent tests and batch verifications. We also compare products against top standards for marketing-driven performance validation, ensuring competitive edge and quality enhancement.
Following ISO 13485:2016, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1107 (Common Specifications), WHO-Technical Specifications Series (TSS), FDA (510K), TGA, GLP, Clinical & Laboratory Standards Institute: CLSI Guidelines